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Trump Makes Clear, the World Has Only One Major Threat, Which Is Nuclear War

Former President Donald Trump at a Flint, MI Town Hall Meeting. Credit: C-SPAN

At a nationally televised town hall meeting held in Flint, Michigan Sept. 19, attended by 6,000 people, former President Donald Trump gave his strongest warning against the threat of nuclear war, up to this point in the campaign. A worker, who identified himself as a third-generation auto worker asked Trump, “What do you see as the major threats to Michigan manufacturing auto working jobs? What will you do to eliminate these threats?”

Trump responded, “When you say major threats. To me, we have one major threat: that’s called nuclear weapons….” Further, “You have essentially five countries [with nuclear weapons], and you’re going to have more, whether you like it or not. It’s the single biggest threat to the world, not only Michigan, to the world, and you’re not going to care so much about making cars if that starts happening.

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