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Glenn Diesen: Nord Stream—Case Study of West's ‘Defending the Narrative From Reality’

Glenn Diesen used the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline to present [a case study]((4) The Nord Stream Anniversary & Europe’s Stockholm Syndrome ( as to how the West defends their obvious lies from any normal examination. Entitled “Defending the Narrative from Reality—The Nord Stream Anniversary & Europe’s Stockholm Syndrome.”

He first noted that the current narrative of a “rogue Ukrainian” attack on Nord Stream includes the element, from the Wall Street Journal, the claim that “the CIA warned Zelenskyy’s office to stop the operation.” But the first narrative in September-October 2022 was that only Russia would do such a dastardly deed. This means that, in 2022, “the U.S. and NATO lied to their public and the entire world when they blamed Russia for the attack, and then used that lie to escalate the war in Ukraine, militarize the Baltic Sea, and push for further NATO expansionism.”

Further: “Our lack of knowledge about what happened to the Nord Stream gas pipelines is the result of defending the narrative from reality. Blissful ignorance has become the foundation for NATO unity, and facts are thus treated as our great enemy.” He calls this situation the “Stockholm Syndrome.” He follows with his case study on how “the Nord Stream narrative… has been defended from reality.” He opens his argument:

“Preventing the economic integration and cooperation between Russia and Germany as two key centers of power has been a centuries-old hegemonic objective of the U.S. and Britain.” He then cites RAND’s 2019 report, sponsored by the Army Quadrennial Defense Review Office, on “how to extend and weaken Russia. Besides destabilizing Russian borders and bleeding Russia in Ukraine, the report outlined the objective of cutting Russia’s energy ties to Europe: ‘A first step would involve stopping Nord Stream 2’.”

He recounts some of the puppets. In 2020, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo proclaimed: “We will do everything we can to make sure that that pipeline doesn’t threaten Europe.” U.S. Senator Tom Cotton announced in May 2021 that “there is still time to stop it.… Kill Nord Stream 2 now, and let it rust beneath the waves of the Baltic.” NSA Jake Sullivan on 1/14/22: “We have made clear to the Russians that the pipeline is at risk if they move further into Ukraine.” Sen. Ted Cruz: “This pipeline must be stopped and the only way to prevent its completion is to use all the tools available to do that.”

President Joe Biden on 2/7/22, writes Diesen “stood next to German Chancellor Scholz at a press briefing, warning that if Russia invades Ukraine, then ‘there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it’. When asked by a journalist how he would end a project under German control, Biden responded: ‘I promise you, we will be able to do that’.” Victoria Nuland: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

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