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Head of RT ‘Exposes’ Their Diabolical Scheme to Run the U.S.

RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan took the occasion of the latest outbreak of “Russiagate”—whereby the U.S. Department of Justice has targeted RT and herself as part of a conspiracy to interfere in the U.S. election—to repost a short, satirical video, in which RT’s holiday video pokes fun at “Russian meddling” narratives on social media. It was originally released as part of last year’s New Year celebrations as a way of poking fun at the persistent mania for “Russiagate” narratives.

RT’s holiday video pokes fun at ‘Russian meddling’ narratives
A dancing Joe Biden controlled by lost Soviet tech is the highlight of a parody clip titled “Project Grandpa on a Leash”

The video has Simonyan heading up a covert operation to inject U.S. President Joe Biden with a remote-control chip. After that success, a “language pack” is installed and the Biden character proceeds to perform the Russian hit song “I am Russian,” causing Simonyan’s RT gang to dance and celebrate their total control over their puppet.

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