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Lavrov Charges That Israel and Ukraine Both Seek Wider Wars

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in an interview with RT on Aug. 31, said that both Israel and Ukraine are “apparently seeking to spark major regional wars.” Speaking of the potential war between Israel and Iran, Lavrov said: “It seems that the only one who wants such a development is Israel. Probably the Israeli government, which is rather hard politics-wise, and they do not even hide that.” Iran, on the other hand, “does not want to get involved in any large-scale military actions.”

Lavrov then said that Israel’s behavior shares striking similarities to Ukraine’s, with Kiev apparently seeking to drag its Western backers into a direct conflict with Moscow. “I’m seeing an interesting parallel there. [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy too, who is fully controlled by the U.S. as well, wants roughly the same thing, only around Ukraine—to unleash a major war here, and to step aside himself, so that the Americans and other NATO members would start fighting for him.”

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