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Lavrov Maintains, ‘Wherever the West Gets Involved, Crisis Ensues’

Speaking to TASS on the eve of the UN General Assembly, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had some choice thoughts on the policies emanating from the West.

“The victory [of Russia in Ukraine] is needed. They do not understand any other language. This victory will be ours, we have no doubt,” Lavrov said. “Wherever the West is getting involved as the main ‘fix-it man,’ pardon my slang, a crisis situation ensued, everything was getting much worse: hundreds of thousands of victims, devastation, socio-economic problems. There is not a single instance over the course of my active work on the international stage when the West’s interference resulted in anything positive. And now we are observing the similar situation with Ukraine and with the Palestinian-Israeli standoff,” the top Russian diplomat stressed.

“Now, with terrorist groups attacking the Kursk Region with modern Western weapons—residential blocks are simply being shelled there on a daily basis, houses, social facilities, civilians driving to safer locations. I have not heard anything from UN representatives in charge of human rights, including, of course, the secretary general,” Lavrov noted.

“I remember perfectly well how in the ‘90s, U.S. emissaries at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were repeating like a mantra not to be afraid of the dollar. The dollar is not the weapon of the United States. The dollar is a universal treasure, it is the blood system of the global economy, interdependency and so on. Where is all of this now? Now they are either running away from the dollar or those who got too deeply involved in that system are trying to gradually reduce their dependency,” the top Russian diplomat said.