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Medvedev: Putin’s Change in Nuclear Doctrine May Give Pause for Thought

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev. Dmitry Medvedev Facebook page

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev, who was among those present for President Putin’s presentation on the proposed changes to Russia’s nuclear war doctrine at yesterday’s semi-annual meeting of the Russian Security Council Standing Conference on Nuclear Deterrence, offered a pithy summary on his Telegram channel today:

“Aggression against Russia by a non-nuclear state, but with the support or participation of a nuclear-armed country, will be considered a joint attack. It is clear to everyone which countries we are talking about.

“Equivalent nuclear protection will be established for Belarus as our closest ally. To the ‘delight’ of Poland and numerous NATO pygmies.

“Under certain conditions, a massive launch of enemy air power, including airplanes, missiles, and UAVs, resulting in a violation of our border may be justification for the use of nuclear weapons. Something to reflect upon for not only the rotten neo-Nazi regime, but also all the enemies of Russia who are pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe.

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