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NATO’s Admiral Bauer Explains Why It’s a Good Idea To Hit Russia with Long-Range Missiles

Dutch Adm. Rob Bauer, the chairman of NATO’s Military Committee, seems to have gotten the memo from his superiors—ridiculous metaphors and all. Speaking at the close of the committee’s annual meeting yesterday, AP reported, Bauer justified authorizing the use of long-range missiles to hit Russia. “Every nation that is attacked has the right to defend itself. And that right doesn’t stop at the border of your own nation.… You want to weaken the enemy that attacks you in order to not only fight the arrows that come your way, but also attack the archer that is, as we see, very often operating from Russia proper into Ukraine.”

The phrase “attack the archer” has become very popular, of late, in the British media and among pro-war experts in order to justify their policy. Bauer concluded: “So militarily, there’s a good reason to do that, to weaken the enemy, to weaken its logistic lines, fuel, ammunition that comes to the front. That is what you want to stop, if at all possible.”