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Netanyahu Blames Everyone but Himself for His Troubles

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a press conference last night to defend himself and blame everyone else for his troubles. A few excerpts from his remarks, as reported by the Times of Israel, include the following:

• “We must stand united as one person against a cruel enemy that wants to destroy all of us, all of us without any exceptions,” he said, as, the Times of Israel noted, tens of thousands of Israelis were protesting against his handling of hostage talks, on a day when a partial strike was called to urge him to agree to a deal.

• “I told the families, and I repeat it here tonight—I ask for your forgiveness that we did not succeed in bringing them back alive,” Netanyahu said. “We were close, but we didn’t succeed,” he added. “Israel will not let this massacre simply pass on by,” Netanyahu said, as he jabbed his finger on the lectern. “Hamas will pay a very heavy price for it.”

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