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Palestinian President Tells UN ‘Palestine Is Our Homeland’

President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas delivered what, judging from the English text as published by WAFA, seems to have been a fiery speech to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 26. Abbas set the tone of the speech in verse at the outset:

“We will not leave, we will not leave, we will not leave

Palestine is our homeland,

It is the land of our fathers and grandfathers,

And it will remain ours,

And if anyone should leave, they are the usurpers and occupiers.”

After describing the crimes of the occupiers against the Palestinians, including the killing of 15,000 children and a similar number of women and elderly, Abbas called on the world to stop them. “Stop this crime, stop it now. Stop killing children and women. Stop the war of extermination. Stop sending weapons to Israel. This madness cannot continue. The entire world bears responsibility for what is happening to our people in Gaza, as well as in the West Bank,...” he said.

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