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Patrushev Warns of Danger on Russia’s Northern Flank, Including Kaliningrad Access

Russian Presidential aide and Chairman of the Maritime Collegium Nikolai Patrushev, warned of the military buildup in the Baltic region. “Russia’s independent foreign and domestic policies are causing opposition from the United States and its NATO allies, who are seeking to maintain their dominance in the world, including in the oceans,” Patrushev said at a meeting in the Kaliningrad region. He said the NATO alliance is conducting regular exercises in the Baltic region practicing “scenarios for repelling an alleged Russian attack on the Baltic countries.”

“The Baltic countries are modernizing their military infrastructure to receive the forces of the North Atlantic Alliance. The practical implementation of the agreement between Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia on the construction of a defensive line of structures on the border with our country has begun,” he said. He noted that after Finland and Sweden joined NATO, there are now efforts to change the status of the Baltic Sea, revise the current laws of the sea areas for international shipping, and plans are being hatched to prohibit the movement of Russian naval ships in those waters.

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