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Russia Is Considering Transferring Yakhont Anti-Ship Missiles to Yemen’s Houthis

According to an article in the Sept. 24 Jerusalem Post](, Russia is weighing the possibility of giving Yemen’s Houthis access to sophisticated anti-ship missiles. These are 300 km-range missiles that fly at Mach 2 and skim the surface of the ocean and are very hard to detect and destroy. A source from IISS told the Post they could be a “game-changer” throughout the region; and a “senior U.S. official” said he thought Russia was holding off on deciding until the U.S. decision on long-range missiles in Ukraine is decided—i.e., as a threat and/or bargaining chip.

“Seven sources said that Russia has yet to decide to transfer the Yakhont missiles—also known as P-800 Oniks—which experts said would allow the militant group to more accurately strike commercial vessels in the Red Sea and increase the threat to the U.S. and European warships defending them,” Jerusalem Post wrote.

“Two regional officials aware of the talks said that the Houthis and Russians met in Tehran at least twice this year and that the talks to provide dozens of the missiles, which have a range of about 300 km, were ongoing with further Tehran meetings expected in coming weeks.…

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