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Russian Ambassador Demands More Clarity on Scholz's ‘Diplomacy’ Remarks

The Russian Federation took note of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s remarks about the need for talks on Ukraine, but has so far received no specific proposals, said Russian Ambassador to Germany Sergey Nechaev, in a Sept. 17 morning with Deutschlandfunk Radio.

“We readily take notice of the Chancellor’s remarks. Possibly, this means that the realization has emerged in the West that a peace plan is needed,” said Nechaev. He reiterated that, earlier, some EU representatives, and Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán in particular, made attempts to present peace initiatives, but they were not welcome in the European Union. “I do not know whether or not this initiative would be welcome now. In any case, we have not yet seen a peace plan, the text of a peace plan,” the envoy noted.

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