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At Opening of Eastern Economic Forum, Putin Underlines Region’s Role in Global Development

Russian President Vladimir Putin at the opening of the Easter Economic Forum. Credit:

Speaking at the beginning of the Eastern Economic Forum on September 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly indicated how the development of Russia’s Far East opens a new realm for the country’s economic development. Situated on the Pacific Rim, the region opens up trade to the Asia Pacific, to Southeast Asia, and to the Indian Ocean. While the now-bloody British “Great Game” has attempted to close Russia off from the West, the Eastern opening presents new opportunities. The development of China, to the south of Russia’s Siberian realm and the ports of the Pacific, provides a continued increase of trade and investment with the fastest-growing economies of the Asia-Pacific region.

The dream of Sergei Witte (1849-1915), who initiated the Siberian development program through the creation of the Trans-Siberian Railroad at the beginning of the 20th century, will now come to fruition, in a world that Witte could only imagine. While Witte’s vision developed only with fits and starts during the last century, it has now become a matter of necessity, under the ruthless attempt by NATO and the West to reduce Russia to a minor power, or to eradicate it completely. What British-style pundits like Fiona Hill and Clifford Gaddy labeled the “Siberian Curse” has now become the Siberian “lifeline” for Russia to maintain its status as a major power.

President Putin made quite clear that this development is at the top of the economic and political agenda of the nation. “The significance and correctness of that decision have been confirmed by life itself, the challenges we have recently encountered and, most importantly, the objective trends that are gaining momentum in the global economy, when the main business ties, trade routes and the overall development are increasingly shifting towards the East and the Global South.

“Our Far Eastern regions offer direct access to these growing emerging markets, helping us overcome the barriers which some Western elites are trying to create worldwide. The most important thing, as I have already mentioned, is that the Far East is a huge area for implementing business initiatives, launching complex projects and creating whole new industries.

“In fact, the Far East has become a crucial factor for strengthening Russia’s standing in the world and our flagship in the new global economic reality. The further development of the Far East will largely determine the future of our country as a whole.”

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