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Sudan Signs Nuclear and Infrastructure Deals with China at FOCAC

On September 4, Sudan and China signed agreements to “support Sudan’s goals of developing peaceful nuclear energy, upgrading seaports, and modernizing airports,” reported Sudan Tribune. The agreements were signed on the sidelines at the 2024 summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, which takes place every three years in one of the nations’ capitals. Details of the timetables and financing were not made public.

“Sudan’s Energy and Mining Group, part of the country’s defense industry complex, inked the deals with China Energy Engineering Group, a state-owned firm specializing in energy and infrastructure projects,” Sudan Tribune wrote. Deals were also signed between the state-owned “Giad Engineering Group and three prominent Chinese companies: Dongfeng Motors, Dongfeng Automobile, and Zhenghou Annaide. This partnership focuses on the manufacturing of electric cars, trucks, and various types of machinery.” The Giad Engineering Group specializes in products in the fields of transportation, agriculture and energy, producing trucks, tractors, cars, specialty automobile oils, etc., as well as training cadre personnel and also has R&D centers.

Chairman of Sudan’s Sovereignty Council Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan attended the event, met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and oversaw signing the agreements. Sudan has struggled for many decades for sound economic development due to destabilization from nefarious interests in England and other sources, and these agreements are an optimistic perspective on its economic potential and stability.

Xinhua reported: “Xi noted that China supports Sudan in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and hopes Sudan will restore peace and stability at an early date. China will continue to uphold justice for Sudan on multilateral occasions and strive for a sound external environment for the political settlement of the Sudanese issue, Xi said.

“Al-Burhan said China has carried out many infrastructure construction projects in Sudan, making important contributions to Sudan’s economic development and the improvement of people’s livelihood. Al-Burhan spoke highly of the 10 partnership actions proposed by President Xi at the summit and believes the actions will greatly help Sudan get rid of the suffering of war and achieve peace and development.

“Sudan is willing to actively implement the summit’s outcomes along with China and continue to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries, he said.”