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The Argentine Government ‘Is Finished … at War with Its Own People’

Above is the assessment of a longtime Argentine friend of The LaRouche Organization and active participant in the International Peace Coalition, who described the government of the unstable, Malthusian President of Argentina Javier Milei as desperate and “anguished,” unable to obtain financing from any financial institution, including the IMF, and possessing only a dwindling supply of dollars. Guided, as he says, by “the forces of Heaven,” Milei is embarked on a campaign to depopulate and deindustrialize the nation, killing the most vulnerable—the retired, the poor, and children—considered to be “excess” population, while inviting foreign financial interests to come in and buy up the nation’s valuable assets.

After nine months in office, the situation is one “of a country at war,” our contact said. It’s like living in a war zone, as Milei slashes every budget that might benefit human beings, and as people struggle to stay alive. Consider the shutdown of the CAREM-25 small nuclear reactor project, under development for years and the pride of the nuclear community, which has now been paralyzed due to lack of funding (see separate report). Revenue-sharing to the provinces has been cut by 80%. Provincial subsidies for transportation, health, and education have been cut to the bone. According to the Catholic University’s Social Debt Observatory, poverty is close to 60%. This is a 15% increase from December of 2023, when Milei took office.

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