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Trump, Gabbard, RFK, Kucinich Again Raise the Danger of Nuclear War

The most pressing issue facing humanity, that of the urgent danger of thermonuclear war between the U.S. and Russia, is surfacing in the U.S. presidential race, despite the best efforts by the London-led Establishment to keep Americans in the dark … and docile. A handful of Republican, Democratic, and independent voices are being raised in alarm.

“Trump Warns of ‘Nuclear Holocaust’ if We’re Not Careful” is the headline that Baha Breaking News put on an article reporting on a Trump campaign rally in Las Vegas on Sept. 13.

“You’re going to end up in World War III,” he stated. “You’re going to have a nuclear Holocaust if we’re not careful. These people have no idea what they’re doing,” he stated, referring to the current administration in Washington. He promised he would keep the U.S. “out of World War III” and added that “a vote for comrade Kamala Harris is a vote for war with Russia.”

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