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Serbia’s Vucic under Pressure from the EU Not To Attend BRICS Summit

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic denied rumors that he turned down Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invitation to attend the Oct. 22-24 BRICS summit in Kazan. According to Italian Nova agency, Vucic said “yesterday I said I will see, I only said that there are scheduled visits. We will make a decision on Oct. 10-15. There is no doubt that an important call came, and that we planned important visits as well.”

“I would like to thank the people from BRICS and President Putin for the invitation. We also have New York—I already know I will have discussions with at least six presidents and at least seven or eight Prime Ministers on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session,” Vucic told reporters in western Serbia. “Do not forget that the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade is on Oct. 20—the Red Army was the one that liberated Belgrade for the most part, with help from our troops, and brought freedom to our country, together with Russia and all others who took part in the liberation,” Vucic said.

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