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Warning: Another Austrian in German Politics May Be Hazardous...

Will, as rumored, Germany’s Economy Minister Robert Habeck, come out on top in the Green party crisis as Chancellor candidate, and will his policy then be different from the present one? Further, will none other than Dr. Arnold Schwarzenegger become an advisor to Habeck? After all, Habeck gave the laudatory speech at the ceremony at the Berlin Hertie School on Sept. 17, which granted an honorary degree to Schwarzenegger for his engagement for nature, climate protection, and civil society.

Habeck said in his speech as laudator that Schwarzenegger more than deserved the honorary doctorate. The Green politician praised the 77-year-old Austrian-born bodybuilder as an extraordinary person and politician who promoted sustainability during his term as Governor of California. He even called him a “role model for all of humanity.”

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