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With Tongue in Cheek, Putin Swings His Support from Biden to Harris

Responding to a question during the Vladivostok EEF Plenary as to whether he would call and support whoever won the U.S. election on Nov. 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin replied: “We have not been on the phone for a long time with representatives of some European countries and the United States, although we have not given up these contacts; it is they who limit them. Although, of course, we do manage to exchange certain information through various channels, primarily through the Foreign Ministry.

“As for favorites, it is not for us to determine that, it is the choice of the American people. I have already said: Our favorite, if I may say so, was the incumbent President, Mr. Biden. He was dropped from the race, but he recommended that all of his supporters support Ms. Harris. So that’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to support her.

“That’s first of all.”

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