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Zakharova Unveils Ukrainian Monsters That Will Turn Against the Very Europe That Created Them

Maria Zakharova. Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

On the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said: “I think the Europeans don’t fully understand what they are being dragged into. They are being dragged in by the U.S., the Anglo-Saxons. It seems to me they haven’t yet understood what a plague they have created with their own hands in the form of the terrorist Kiev regime.”

Zakharova warned that the battalions that will be created from Ukrainian citizens recruited from Europe, will eventually also strike back at Western European countries themselves. “They have fattened up there, sat it out, and recovered. They will strike in the same way as all international terrorist cells previously created by the West did,” she said.

“For the first time in history, Europe itself has given birth to an international terrorist cell,” Zhakarova warned, saying that “this terrorist monster will operate all over the world” and will strike Western Europe, because “they always return to those who created them.”