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EIR Daily News • Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Lead

All Civilization Is at Stake: Grasp That, and Mobilize for Emergency Action

by Marcia Merry Baker (EIRNS) — Sep. 30, 2024

The evil war drive of the U.S.-backed Netanyahu Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in Southwest Asia is heading into full-fledged regional combat, even to nuclear obliteration, as dramatically as is the crisis of the NATO-proxy warfare by Ukraine against Russia. This latter threat has not abated even though there so far is no formal, public approval by the U.S. for Ukraine to use deep-strike weapons into Russia. That remains pending.

An aerial view of Lebanon shows a deep crater in the center of its capital, Beirut, created by the high-tonnage IDF bombing over the weekend. That crime followed upon the sequence of strikes in recent weeks by the IDF which murdered the echelon of top leadership of Hezbollah, while causing wanton death, injury and destruction. Over 1,000 Lebanese have died in the past two weeks. Over 1.4 million Lebanese have been displaced.

The latest update is that the IDF ground invasion by equipment and soldiers is underway into southern Lebanon. Israel authorities euphemistically term it a “limited” incursion. This conforms to Eretz Israel—establishing Greater Israel—in a way reported by the Jerusalem Post recently: 1) ethnic cleansing in Gaza; 2) ethnic cleansing in the West Bank; 3) land appropriation in Lebanon.

What is the U.S. response? Today officials at the Pentagon announced details of sending in more U.S. military forces to the region.

At the State Department, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the world is better off now that Israel killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. “Lebanon, the region, the world are safer without him.” When asked specifically about Israel now going into Lebanon, Blinken recited platitudes about how desirable diplomacy is.

The same view is coming from the Republican side. For example, today’s Fox News TV carried Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg (ret.), former military adviser in Donald Trump’s presidency, praising Netanyahu for all he is doing now to “finish the job” he should have done years ago.

Meantime the U.S./U.K./NATO madness continues about how there would be no consequences from striking deep into Russia from Ukraine. Fox News TV network broadcast Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, himself, over the weekend, repeating his line that Putin is bluffing, when it comes to threatening use of nuclear weapons if Russia is attacked in-depth.

Against this madness and beast-man outlook, there are counteractions. Today President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Türkiye, a NATO member, made a call for the UN General Assembly to follow through with the use of force, if the UN Security Council fails to stop Israel in Gaza and Lebanon. “The UN General Assembly should rapidly implement the authority to recommend the use of force, as it did with the 1950 Uniting for Peace resolution, if the UN Security Council can’t show the necessary will.”

Over the weekend, Switzerland announced that it supports the principles and dynamic of the “Friends of Peace” group of nations, founded at a meeting in New York on Sept. 27 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, convened by foreign relations leaders of China and Brazil. The group issued a Joint Communiqué as a “roadmap for lasting peace” between Ukraine and Russia.

In the United States, thousands of Americans attended national rallies over the weekend—two in Washington, D.C. and one in Kingston, New York, raising many strong voices against the war madness by the U.S. government. This was amplified by a “sister” rally on Sept. 28 in Stockholm, Sweden, co-hosted by Humanity for Peace, the Schiller Institute and others, with many participants.

One speaker in Washington, for example, was Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.). He addressed the Sept. 29 “Rescue the Republic” demonstration, painting a picture of the insane massing of U.S. forces in Southwest Asia. He warned that, with the focus against Iran, this could detonate World War III. Asserting that war has accomplished nothing positive, he said that the U.S. should be spending money on infrastructure. He said, “No more wars! Peace, not war! Prosperity, not poverty!” Macgregor also sent a tough, pre-recorded anti-war message to the Sept. 28 Stockholm rally.

Prominent among the many speakers over the weekend in Washington were Independent LaRouche candidates for Diane Sare for U.S. Senate, and Jose Vega, for U.S. Congress (Bronx CD15), who will host an important national event in New York City on Oct. 26.

In Europe, the growing anti-war stance among citizens has become visible in the September election results in Austria, and earlier in three Eastern Germany state-level elections.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, and initiator of the International Peace Coalition in 2023, noted these and other positive moves as a shift “toward a way out of the crisis situation,” but not enough. We need to escalate. We need to expand efforts everywhere against the worsening war danger. The way to enlist people in that, Zepp-LaRouche advised, is “to get it across: We are fighting for the existence of mankind.” In the right frame of mind, people can figure out what to do. The month of October will be critical.

This week there are two major international events, and the important International Peace Coalition Friday meeting on Oct. 4, in the 70th straight weekly meeting.

On Wednesday, Oct. 2 is an international internet event, “Another Step Closer to Nuclear Armageddon—Germany Needs a New Security Architecture,” sponsored by the Schiller Institute.

On Thursday, Oct. 3, is an international event, in person and online, based in Peru. In English and Spanish, the conference is titled, “Development Strategies and Mechanisms for Cooperation in the Multi-Polar World.”


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