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Photo by Matteo Stroppaghetti / Unsplash

Die alten, bösen Lieder, Die Träume bös’ und arg, Die lasst uns jetzt begraben, Holt einen grossen Sarg.” (“The old, evil songs, the spiteful and mean Dreams, let’s bury them now; fetch a big coffin."—Heinrich Heine’s words, and their musical setting by Robert Schumann, come to mind, seeing the too-familiar dance between Macron and Zelenskyy, Zelenskyy and Washington, Zelenskyy and various nations in South and East Europe, etc., pretending that they do not know that the Ukraine war is all but lost. They mouth that they are in full support of “victory for Ukraine” in its unwinnable war against Russia, with the full realization that they are lying, and will soon be discovered—but continue, nonetheless.

About them, and their predecessors in history, the Old Testament prophet Hosea put it well: “For they have sown the wind, and they will reap the whirlwind.” As for the descendants of dictators, and those with a despotic mind-set, as Plato depicted the Greek Thrasymachus in his dialogue The Republic, the “strong men” of perpetual wars and conflicts, they never think twice, and never apologize. It is futile to ask them what their objectives are. Netanyahu’s objective, for example, is to do exactly what he is doing. There is no need to ask, “What is Israel trying to accomplish?” Those who sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

Neros who believe that “tyranny means never having to say you’re sorry,” are, sooner or later, ultimately broken by natural law, which suddenly appears in some guise—for example, expressed in the form of an unexpected, uncontrollable hurricane, of varying form or function. It can be the hurricane of the unpayable $2 quadrillion-plus trans-Atlantic debt. It can be the hurricane of a new pandemic. It can be an actual hurricane, or two, or more.

Biden, for example, it is said, suddenly could not go to Germany’s Ramstein military base on Oct. 12, where many thought that he would announce that it was now okay for Ukraine to use American weapons to strike deep into Russia, despite Vladimir Putin’s clear warnings since Sept. 25 as to what that decision might mean—including the end of civilization. Biden’s Administration said that he was not going to Germany because of Hurricane Milton. In one sense, that may well be true. The Helene/Milton hurricane combination has revealed to the people of the United States, and the world, that America has presently deployed its National Guard into the improper service of unwinnable wars overseas, “for America’s national security,” only to have poor Americans at home drown and die by the hundreds.

What does that imply about the survivability of any section of the American population in the event of a nuclear attack? What does that imply about the actual physical and physical-economic state of the United States itself? And what does that imply about the sanity of the presently ruling Anglo-American elite’s “unipolar” foreign policy, especially with regard to the emerging Global Majority, soon to gather in Kazan for the BRICS summit?

Whatever those who presume themselves to be the prime world-actors may think is about to come to pass in Ukraine, or Southwest Asia, or the Pacific, another, higher power is at work—and it isn’t global warming. We are now living in a time where the power of true ideas, of “profound and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature,” when wielded against a seemingly overwhelming material, “profane” force, can triumph—if you believe in, access, and refuse to betray the power of Reason.

EIR’s interview on Oct. 6 with former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad, who served in that post for a total of 24 years, 1981-2003, and 2018-2020, will remind those who once knew, and inform those who have yet to discover, that it is not only possible to stand up to predatory financiers like George Soros, in defense of one’s country—but it is also possible to defeat them. This is crucial to understand why a New International Security and Development Architecture, contained in Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Ten Principles, based on a higher-order conception of humanity unbounded by geopolitics, is not merely “plausible"; rather, it is the only policy that will possibly work in the present “world correlations of forces.”

On Sept. 19, 1997, the Asian Wall Street Journal ran a story, “LaRouche Report Helps Feed Malaysian Attacks on Soros,” which began, “when Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad recently accused financier George Soros of leading speculative attacks on Southeast Asian currencies, Malaysia’s pro-government press quickly cranked out articles vilifying the American billionaire. Some of their vitriol apparently came from an unusual source: a publication run by Lyndon LaRouche Jr.… “ The Wall Street Journal Europe carried a front-page story, “Malaysia’s Mahathir Finds Strange Source for Soros Campaign—Asia Country’s Media Tap U.S. Conspiracy Theorist Lyndon LaRouche Jr.”

When Prime Minister Mahathir arrived to speak on the morning of Sept. 20, 1997, at the annual meeting of the World Bank in Hong Kong, a copy of Wall Street Journal Asia was placed on every seat of the 3,000 people in attendance. Mahathir proceeded as he had intended. He not only defended the measures for currency controls and banking regulation that Malaysia had put in place to protect themselves against Soros’s speculation. He also spoke of what he called “prosper-thy-neighbor,” what he also referred to as “win-win strategies.” “In case you were wondering about what is meant by prosper-thy-neighbor, I would like to explain again that it simply means, if you help your neighbor to prosper, you will prosper along with it. When countries are prosperous, they become more stable, and the people need not emigrate to your country. “ A just-completed Oct. 6, 2024 interview with the 99-year-old former Prime Minister Mahathir, the “witness to a century,” is now available for viewing on the Schiller Institute.