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Israeli Daily Cries Out: ‘Where Is Israel Heading, When the Only Horizon Its Leaders Offer Is War?’

That is the question raised by Haaretz, one of Israel’s leading dailies, in its lead editorial published Oct. 2 in its Hebrew- and English-language editions, where it has remained the paper’s lead editorial through to today.

“The State of Israel is in the midst of the most difficult period in its history, under a reckless leadership headed by a man whose only promise he has made and kept to his people was to live by the sword…. Under its thoughtless leadership, Israel is taking giant steps towards a regional war, while the world keeps asking itself: What does it want? Where is it heading?,” Haaretz writes.

Haaretz countered that “all Israelis must hear” what Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi told a Sept. 27 press conference with other Arab diplomats at the United Nations, in reply to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ranting diatribe to the UN General Assembly that day. Safadi’s statement has been “ignored” in Israel, but has gone viral internationally, Haaretz notes.

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