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Peruvian, Russian Press Take Note of Lima BRICS Conference

The ripple effects continue to spread from the international conference, “BRICS: Development Strategies and Cooperation in the Multipolar World,” held Oct. 3 at the San Marcos University in Lima, Peru.

Peru’s state-owned Andina news agency published a story on the conference, “BRICS Emerge as Key Players in the Global Economy.” Andina cited some of the ideas presented by various speakers on the importance of the BRICS: rector of San Marcos University Jeri Ramon who spoke of how the BRICS, “with diverse realities and approaches, offer a wealth of experiences and strategies that can serve as a guide for other countries"; China’s Ambassador to Peru Song Yang, who explained that the BRICS countries “act as advocates for peaceful unity … protecting the legitimate rights and interests of developed countries"; Russian Ambassador Igor Romanchenko’s emphasis on how the BRICS is demonstrating that its members are “capable of shaping the global agenda … and making a significant contribution to the formation of a more equitable model of the world order"; Brazilian Ambassador Clemente Baena’s contention that the expanded BRICS are “boosting the fight against hunger and poverty, issues that are also fundamental ... for Peru and other developing countries.”

Russia’s TASS agency published a note today on the conference for its Russian-language feed, headlined “BRICS Countries Can Serve as a Benchmark for Developing Countries.” It cited, as Agencia Andina had, the statements of the rector of the University of San Marcos, but TASS cited only one other presentation, that of EIR’s correspondent in Peru, Luis Ernesto Vásquez (identified only in the wire as an “economic analyst”), emphasizing that he discussed the BRICS as “marking the beginning of a new era of shared prosperity” based on “the development of an economy based on ever greater productivity and real production.”

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