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As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said in the webcast yesterday, reconstructing the failed chance of 1989, the assassination of Deutsche Bank chairman Alfred Herrhausen, on Nov. 30 that year, represents for the German nation something similar to what the assassination of John F. Kennedy is for the US population. Indeed, the assassination of Herrhausen marked a state coup in Germany, aimed at preventing a set of policies that defied the Anglosphere blueprint for global domination.

It is therefore a singularity that German ARD first channel TV broadcast the first part of a 4-part fiction on Herrhausen, yesterday. The second part is going to be broadcast on Oct. 3—the National Day in Germany.

People who watched parts of it report that it started with Herrhausen’s push for debt relief of poor countries, profiling a few other features: US hostility towards Herrhausen; Stasi connection to the RAF terrorists who allegedly killed Herrhausen. Also, the Deutsche Bank financial support to Gorbachev’s USSR in the economic transition.

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