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Will Israel Bomb Iran in the Middle of the October BRICS Summit?

Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jets escorted an American B-1B bomber. Credit: IDF X page

A sober evaluation of the current international strategic situation leads one to conclude that London and Washington may very well unleash Israel to bomb Iran—possibly including its nuclear facilities—in the middle of the Oct. 22-24 BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia.

Iran is one of the four new members of the BRICS that joined that association on Jan. 1, 2024. The BRICS Summit will be deliberating on further increasing their ranks, and on the substantive central question of how to replace the current bankrupt dollar-based system—bloated beyond all hope of recovery with over $2 quadrillion of derivatives and other speculative assets—with a new development-centered international financial architecture.

Readers are reminded that when the Obama administration invaded Libya and murdered President Muammar Gaddafi in cold blood in October 2011—while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton smirked uncontrollably, “We came, we saw, he died”—Lyndon LaRouche immediately stated that the strategic objective of that war crime was to unleash expanding wars against Syria and Iran, and then Russia and China. The real, strategic objective, he explained, was to destroy any alternative to the collapsing City of London/Wall Street system—which is precisely what is now coming into being around the BRICS.

The fact that Israel’s conventional aircraft and bombs can’t destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities, which are reportedly deep underground beyond the reach of even huge bunker-buster bombs, does not rule out such an Israeli attack. Nor can it be ruled out that the Netanyahu government might opt for using Israel’s nuclear weapons against Iran’s nuclear facilities, after which all bets are off; or they could launch a conventional attack against them in the expectation that this would provoke a sufficient Iranian response to then drag the U.S. into direct involvement in the rapidly spreading regional war. And Iran and Russia have reached a broad security and cooperation agreement that is expected to be signed at the BRICS summit.

In fact, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov thought it necessary to issue a sharp public warning to Israel on Oct. 17: “We have warned many times and continue to warn, to caution against even hypothetically considering the possibility of a strike on nuclear facilities and nuclear infrastructure.” He called such a move “a catastrophic development and a complete negation of the basic tenets of nuclear security.”

Meanwhile, CNN is reporting that “Israel’s plan to respond to Iran’s October 1 [retaliatory] attack is ready,” and that “American officials expect Israel will retaliate against this month’s Iranian attack before November 5.”

At the same time, the increasingly frenetic and desperate Volodymyr Zelensky told a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers in Brussels today, that either Ukraine should be immediately admitted into NATO, or else Ukraine will need to have its own nuclear weapons.

And so the danger of nuclear war now lurks around every corner—and it will continue to do so until the system that has spawned that danger is replaced by a new international security and development architecture, one built on science and Classical culture, as Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has insisted.

Sample what that means at the Oct. 26 Sare-Vega indoor peace rally and concert in New York City, on Saturday, October 26, at 2:00 p.m., “Build a Peace Chorus Against the Ghouls of War.” Make sure you get your tickets now.