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Belarus’ President Hopes Trump Can Make U.S. Great without Harming the World

During a visit to the renovated Traktor Stadium in Minsk, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko again touched on the issue of the U.S. elections. He asserted that Trump’s promises to make America great again are not empty, because he has great ambitions. He expressed the hope that Trump has learned from his first term, that it comes from working with the world, not against it. He posted a release on his Presidential website:

“In America, it’s easy to promise and not deliver. It’s everywhere now, but they have it even more so. But he’s an experienced man, this bulldozer. He will bend.... Just so that the whole world doesn’t get worse. Because the leading economy, the leading country, a monopolist, you could say, in all respects, including politics. So that it doesn’t blow up. Donald has it—he can be carried away. I would very much like him to make America great, not to our detriment, not to the detriment of the world, and not to run into Russia, China, and all of them together. We have to be very careful. I think that the first term taught him that.”