March 16, 2025 (EIRNS)—Vasily Prozorov, the former Ukrainian SBU officer who runs the “Ukraine Leaks” Telegram channel, ran the transcript of an interview with Ruslan Pankratov, a former member of the Riga city council who was forced into exile for his opposition to honoring Nazi collaborators. “In Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, members of the government join these marches, it is considered that this is state policy. Although this is an organization of collaborators with blood on their hands. After the Great Patriotic War, they moved to the U.S., where the CIA took them under its wing, and they were used as a battering ram for the future collapse of the Soviet Union,” he said. “The current authorities of the Baltic countries come from precisely this environment. That is why this policy should be treated as fascist.”
Further on he said: “It is a profound misconception to think that something is happening in the Baltics and Brussels does not know. They all know perfectly well. All of this is hushed up because this is the EU’s very course. All of Europe is ‘brown,’ we must realize this. Only thanks to the SMO have these masks been thrown off.”
Pankratov describes it all as cognitive warfare in defense of Hitler. “The whitewashing of the Hitler regime begins,” he said. “We are at the point where the Hitler and Stalin regimes are compared. There is already an equal sign. Just a few years ago, this was simply impossible. And if we talk about the future, then Hitler will become ‘an innocent, deceived man who fell into the intrigues of the evil Stalin.’ This is a cognitive weapon, this is a hybrid war, call it what you want. Reformatting is underway, huge resources, thousands of top-class specialists. Psychologists, teachers, historians, local historians, anthropologists.”