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Seth Rich Story Still Important in Exposing the Deep State

March 13, 2025 (EIRNS)—Joe Lauria, the editor-in-chief of Consortium News, published a report on March 11 on the history of the murder of Seth Rich in 2016, following the FBI release (under court order) of sections of Rich’s computer. Titled “FBI Redactions on Seth Rich Index Leave No Answers,” Lauria writes: “The attorney in the freedom of information case against the Federal Bureau of Investigation seeking the contents from the computers of a murdered staffer of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has criticized the number of redactions in the index that the bureau turned over to the court late Monday night” March 11.

Lauria reviews the case—Rich’s work at the DNC and the fact that he was almost certainly the person who leaked the emails to WikiLeaks, which exposed the role of Hillary Clinton and the DNC in sabotaging the campaign of Bernie Sanders against Clinton for the Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential election. That leak was blamed on Russia by Clinton and the intelligence circles that are now being exposed as the scoundrels behind the “Deep State,” as exposed in The LaRouche Organization pamphlet “The Liars’ Bureau.”

Lauria reports on the role of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in essentially admitting that Rich had provided the emails (while officially maintaining his policy of never revealing his sources), and the role of Seymour Hersh (through a clandestinely taped phone call), revealing that the FBI and the NSA admitted their guilt in the affair.

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