March 13, 2025 (EIRNS)—All eyes were trained on Moscow on Thursday morning, to see how Russian President Vladimir Putin would respond to the U.S.-Ukrainian proposal for a 30-day ceasefire in the Ukraine war. The British and their globalist partners in Washington were hoping that Putin would reject the proposal out of hand, and thereby put an end to the Trump-Putin strategic dialogue which has so upset London.
Putin did nothing of the sort. Asked about the ceasefire at a Kremlin press conference, he began by first thanking President Trump for all his efforts for peace. “I would like to start by thanking the President of the United States, Mr. Trump, for paying so much attention to the Ukraine settlement.” He went on to also thank the leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa for their efforts for peace—an unmistakable evocation of the BRICS and its four founding members, along with Russia.
Putin then returned to the ceasefire proposal, to specify: “We are supportive, but there are nuances” which need to be worked out in detail. Putin added: “I think we should communicate with our American colleagues and partners, perhaps even arrange a call with President Trump.”
One could almost hear the gnashing of teeth in London.
Later in the afternoon, Trump delivered his measured response to Putin’s comments. “He put out a very promising statement, but it wasn’t complete.… I’d love to meet with them or talk to him, but we have to get it over with fast. You know, every day, people are being killed.… Now we’re going to see whether or not Russia is there, and if they’re not, it’ll be a very disappointing moment for the world.”
Trump rejected a journalist’s provocative suggestion that he employ “leverage” to pressure Putin: “I do have leverage, but I don’t want to talk about leverage now, because right now we’re talking to them, and based on the statements he made today, they were pretty positive I think.”
More gnashing of teeth in London.
A crucial element was added to the dialogue, an element pointing in the direction of an urgently needed positive alternative to the crisis, by an editorial in the Chinese daily Global Times, which frequently reflects the policy of the Chinese government. What is needed in these times of crisis, they wrote, is “a new security vision that is common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable.” The editorial added pointedly: “The security of one country cannot be built on the insecurity of others. It is essential to promote and implement this new security vision in order to truly achieve long-term peace and stability on the Eurasian continent and in the world.”
Readers of this publication will immediately recognize in this focus—and in Putin’s evocation of the BRICS anti-colonial dynamic—an echo of Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s tireless promotion of a new international security and development architecture as the only way to build a durable peace—such as in her most recent appeal “Instead of Rearming for the Great War, We Need to Create a Global Security Architecture!”
To be lasting, that new architecture must be built on agreement on fundamental principles, not circumstantial coincidence of policies and programs. And the cornerstone of those principles is the scientifically demonstrable concept that Man is fundamentally good, that all evil is a result of lack of development—and that for that reason Mankind does have a common interest, that we can discover it, and that we can shape our societies and nations around it.
In her closing remarks to a March 11 seminar with youth leaders from around the world, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said:
“Try to put yourself in the moment of history in which we find ourselves. We are experiencing the end of an epoch, the end of 500 years of colonialism where, for the first time, the realistic possibility exists that the countries of the Global South can overcome poverty and underdevelopment and take their fate into their own hands. This is because the economic power of the BRICS is now a partner, and that is a revolutionary change which I think is really the most important change….
“Just think, every human being born on the Earth is an incredible enrichment. The whole idea of overpopulation was one of the most Satanic ideas ever produced by the Malthusian oligarchy. The reality is the opposite. Every newborn baby could be a new Confucius, a new Plato, a new Einstein, a new Beethoven. Naturally never the same, because genius is always very unique. But I’m convinced that the future of humanity can be incredibly rich if we provide every newborn child the opportunity to develop his or her potential capacities to the fullest.…
“So, I would ask you for today to think these things through, and then make up in your own mind what you want to contribute with your life to make humanity a better species and make the world a better place. I think that everything depends on a lot of young people making such a commitment….
“I’m sure there is limitless possibility to the human mind, and the human heart, to become more impassioned, more empathetic, more compassionate for the world, and that we will indeed be able to outgrow a lot of things which bother us today.
“But each of us makes a difference; so, keep that in mind. Join our efforts.”