Over the recent years, news reporting has become dominated by the dominant political persuasions, spinning narratives to advance their cause and ignoring those developments which are inconvenient. Not only is this dishonest, but it ensnares the reader in a cheerleader-like mindset with no sense of which way is up, and with little understanding of the often complex changes happening in the world.
If you're sick of this, and are concerned with the interests of humanity as a whole, then read EIR.
Whether it's the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the insanity of the Western-led proxy war in Ukraine, or the economic and civilizational breakdown effects happening at home, these events can only be understood within the larger process of which they're a part. That is, the currently-ruling neoliberal system is in a full-blown collapse, while at the same time a growing portion of the world, epitomized by the BRICS dynamic, is rejecting that system and is asserting their own sovereignty and right to a better future.
EIR has been at the forefront of this for 50 years. Founded by Lyndon LaRouche (1922– 2019) in 1974, EIR was created to be an independent intelligence journal capable of giving an accurate global assessment to those seeking to free the world from the grips of an oligarchical elite—whether that be local political organizers or high-level government officials. LaRouche insisted that “news” is not something you consume as a passive couch-potato or as entertainment to amuse you. Rather, a proper intelligence service should arm you with the knowledge, insights, and assessments needed to act on the political process yourself.
News based on any other principle is just chasing views or serving an alternate agenda. LaRouche emphasized this point in a 1995 speech, a mission which continues to shape our work today:
Today, EIR’s Daily Alert provides you with a daily briefing on the most pressing political, economic, and cultural news, situated from the standpoint just described. Subscribers receive the “alert” newsletter every morning in their inbox, in addition to having access to all the material posted daily on the EIR.news website. Subscribers also get access to a portion of the in-depth articles published in the EIR weekly magazine, available in full for premium subscribers.
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What experts are saying about EIR
The EIR Alert is a unique and valuable resource for anyone concerned with issues of potential global transformation, including up to date reporting on the critical government actions that often block peaceful evolution. This importantly includes analysis of significant new developments in the emerging Global South. It routinely contains in-depth analysis with a fine geopolitical eye of a sort rarely found in most other media—and certainly not in the New York Times. An important resource for those wishing to look further down the geopolitical road with an evolutionary eye.
- Graham E Fuller, Former chief of the National Intelligence Council at CIA responsible for long-term forecasting
EIR Daily proposes solutions to global challenges that extend beyond the archaic ‘win-lose’ militarism so dominant today. Backed by superb open-source intelligence, this fine publication is for wise thinkers worried about the shaky underpinnings of Western economies and the steady drift toward WWIII and nuclear apocalypse.
- Col. Richard H. Black, former head, US Army Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former Virginia State Senator
At this time of media distortion and negative opinions, the EIR Daily Alert provides excellent intelligence and serves as a breath of fresh air. It speaks with courage for the people in every corner of the planet who are struggling for dignity, development and peace.
- Donald Ramotar, former president of Guyana
For over fifty years, EIR has been publishing reports and analysis which are second to none. The EIR "Search" function is my first port of call when researching almost any topic, particularly when I need an historic context simply not available anywhere else. Their Alert only enhances that, bringing the same analysis to current events. A unique resource deserving of everyone’s support.
- Mike Robinson, Editor of the UK Column in the UK
Indeed, I find EIR’s choice of press articles very useful when trying to get an overview of the situation outside the Western information bubble created by large parts of the Western Media. This is of utmost importance in the light of the fact that particularly Western Europe has lost a large part of its former relevance in global politics and will be unable to contribute much to a negotiated settlement of conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East (or Western Asia if you will) and elsewhere.
- Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard, Swiss Armed Forces; consultant, military-strategic affairs
On The Record
Since its creation, EIR has been unmatched in reporting on the most crucial strategic developments and identifying major inflection points, even if they don’t occur until years later. Here's a sampling of some of our coverage over the years:
February 7, 2014: EIR Warns About Coup in Ukraine and War With Russia
EIR was one of the first to warn of the danger of the neo-Nazi elements within Ukraine, which were consciously being utilized beginning in 2013 by the U.S. and other Western governments to create a state that was hostile to Russia. EIR warned at the time that this could “constitute a potential trigger for a global war.”

November 4, 2011: LaRouche Warns Qadaffi's Death Signals Drive For World War
When Libyan President Muammar Qadaffi was killed in October 2011, Lyndon LaRouche insisted that this indicates Obama and those controlling him were pushing toward a "Third World War" as a means of maintaining their imperial system. EIR elaborated on this at the time, pointing out that this was not really aimed at Libya, Syria, or any of the nominal “dictators” named, but rather was aimed directly at Russia and China, who were rising powers.

2006-07: EIR Warns of Housing Bubble Causing Systemic Economic Crisis
EIR was the first to warn not only that the housing bubble would collapse in the 2000’s, but that such a collapse would lead to a systemic crisis of the over-leveraged and over-financialized trans-Atlantic system. Housing had become an asset to be cannibalized for speculative profits by Wall St, as we documented in this December 1, 2006 article.

January 3, 2001: LaRouche Warns of a ‘Reichstag Fire’ Type of Event with Incoming Bush Administration
In January 2001, Lyndon LaRouche warned of the danger of a “Reichstag Fire” incident within that year, which would be used as the pretext for establishing a dictatorship over the United States. Under the Bush-Cheney regime, the effort came precariously close to fully succeeding, following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

1989-1997: The 'New Silk Road' is the Path to a Peaceful Future
EIR and its current editor-in-chief, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, have pointed out the failures of geopolitics and such concepts as “spheres of influence” for decades. Beginning after the fall of the Soviet Union, EIR put out several major studies about why a Eurasian land-bridge, or New Silk Road, could finally allow the world to exit the era of geopolitics, providing the economic dimension for a world free from oligarchical rule. Zepp-LaRouche attended a 1996 conference in Beijing, and subsequently became known as the “Silk Road Lady.”