Collapsing Imperial System Poland and France Warn EU Commission Against Rising Prices of Fertilizer , and Karel Vereycken October 26, 2021
Green New Deal / Great Reset Flop26 Could Trigger Wave of Eco-terrorism , and Karel Vereycken October 25, 2021
Afghanistan Without Foreign Aid, Afghanistan’s Road Construction Projects Doomed To Fail , and Karel Vereycken October 18, 2021
Collapsing Imperial System How U.S. Sanctions Against Taliban Assets Mutated into a Blockade Against Afghan Nation , and Karel Vereycken October 13, 2021
Green New Deal / Great Reset Will Big Brother Give You a 'Personal Carbon Allowance'? , and Karel Vereycken September 24, 2021
Strategic War Danger Vereycken Tells CGTN, AUKUS Shows Our Allies Understood Nothing After Their NATO Debacle in Afghanistan , and Karel Vereycken September 20, 2021
US and Canada 9-11 :French Public Radio France Info Still Freaked-out by Lyndon LaRouche , and Karel Vereycken September 11, 2021
Strategic War Danger Le Figaro Editorialist Calls for Reopening French Embassy in Kabul , and Karel Vereycken September 7, 2021
New World Paradigm Russian Envoy Seeks Conference To Reconstruct Afghanistan, Urges Unfreezing Afghan Central Bank Assets , and Karel Vereycken , and Claudio Celani September 2, 2021
Collapsing Imperial System New French Book on Banking Plot Puts Glass-Steagall Back on Agenda , and Karel Vereycken August 31, 2021
Covid-19 Senegal Overwhelmed by Covid, Only One Major Hospital Has Oxygen , and Karel Vereycken August 15, 2021
Covid-19 French Scientists Say Extent of Covid 19 Pandemic Underestimated, Many Unknowns , and Karel Vereycken August 15, 2021
Collapsing Imperial System Big Farmer Protests in Paris—‘France, Do You Still Want Your Farmers?’ , and Karel Vereycken April 4, 2021
Strategic War Danger French General Writes NATO 2030 Is a ‘Mad Measure’ That Should Be Stopped ‘Before It Is Too Late!’ , and Karel Vereycken March 14, 2021