Collapsing Imperial System Dope Lobby Furious Against Afghanistan’s Successful Eradication of Opium and Methamphetamine , and Karel Vereycken June 11, 2023
Strategic War Danger Peter Thiel's Palantir Proposes GTP-based AI To ‘Generate’ and Conduct Military Attacks , and Karel Vereycken , and Paul Gallagher May 2, 2023
New World Paradigm China Considers Gradually Raising Average Retirement Age from 55 to 60 , and Karel Vereycken April 17, 2023
New World Paradigm First Phase of Qush Tepa Canal Project Due To Be Completed in Afghanistan , and Karel Vereycken April 9, 2023
Strategic War Danger French Peace Movement Blasts Military Buildup, Backs Chinese Peace Proposal , and Karel Vereycken April 7, 2023
Collapsing Imperial System Macron Insists Sacrificing Pensions Only Way To Preserve French Credit Rating and ‘Productivity’ , and Karel Vereycken March 17, 2023
Strategic War Danger Lech Walesa Proclaims the Dismemberment of Russia Is ‘Mandatory To Ensure World Security’ , and Karel Vereycken March 7, 2023
Ukraine conflict Le Monde Diplomatique Discusses Vatican Peace Offer , and Karel Vereycken February 5, 2023
Collapsing Imperial System France: Anti-Macron Protest Keeps Growing , and Karel Vereycken February 2, 2023
Collapsing Imperial System Millions in France Demonstrate, Strike Against Pension Reform, with More To Come Soon , and Karel Vereycken January 21, 2023
New World Paradigm Cheminade Addressed 2,000 Participants of Patriots Peace Demonstration in Paris, Jan. 14 , and Karel Vereycken January 17, 2023
Science & Technology New French-American Satellite Sparks Hope for Water Management on Earth , and Karel Vereycken January 2, 2023
Collapsing Imperial System Zelenskyy and Larry Fink Meet on BlackRock’s 2023 Schemes To ‘Restructure’ Ukraine for End-Game Looting , and Karel Vereycken , and Marcia Baker December 31, 2022
LaRouche movement Iranian Young Journalists Club News Agency Publishes Interview with Vereycken , and Karel Vereycken December 17, 2022
Science & Technology US Breakthrough in Fusion Power To Be Announced , and Karel Vereycken , and Paul Gallagher December 12, 2022
Collapsing Imperial System Silicon Valley’s New Satanic Religion Is ‘Efficient Altruism’ , and Karel Vereycken December 12, 2022