Collapsing Imperial System World Grain Production Levels Continue Below Need, and Going Nowhere , and Marcia Baker August 3, 2023
US and Canada U.S./UK Russia-Bashing Over World Food Crisis Went Stale at UNSC Session; China Called for New World Trade Order , and Marcia Baker August 3, 2023
US and Canada Trump Arraigned in Washington Federal Court; His Poll Numbers Are High , and Marcia Baker August 3, 2023
Daily Lead Aug. 6 and Sister Demonstrations To Stop Nuclear War—a Time of ‘Break-out,’ Not Mere Events , and Marcia Baker August 3, 2023
Science & Technology Humanity for Peace Statement: Scientists Call to Stop a New World War , and Rick Sanders , and Elliot Greenspan , and Marcia Baker July 31, 2023
Daily Lead The Old Order vs. Irrepressible Moves for a New World System , and Marcia Baker July 31, 2023
US and Canada U.S. Military Recruitment Problems Reflect Social Breakdown , and Marcia Baker , and Carl Osgood July 31, 2023
New World Paradigm Biggest Ever Foreign Investment Deal in Kyrgyzstan: Chinese Firms To Build Four Power Dams on Naryn River , and Marcia Baker July 30, 2023
New World Paradigm Trans-Afghan Railway Protocol Signed by Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan , and Marcia Baker July 28, 2023
New World Paradigm Kremlin Will Confer Next Week on Providing Free Grain to African Nations Most in Need , and Marcia Baker July 19, 2023
Science & Technology UN Cuts Food Aid, as Hunger Worsens—Haiti, Afghanistan; NATO Food 'Narrative': Blame Russia , and Marcia Baker July 18, 2023
Daily Lead The Sense of Humanity Is Growing: Go for a Break against the Escalation Towards War , and Marcia Baker July 17, 2023
US and Canada U.S. Secret Service Closes Probe of Cocaine at White House, Cites ‘Lack of Evidence’ , and David Shavin , and Marcia Baker July 14, 2023
Collapsing Imperial System Western States Fight Fed Move To Put ‘Nature’ above Food and Economic Use of Fed Lands , and Marcia Baker July 8, 2023