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Senator Says Blocking U.S. Arms Sales to Israel on the Table

March 14, 2024 (EIRNS)—Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) told {Politico in an interview]( yesterday that Congressional action to block U.S. arms sales to Israel is “certainly something that’s on the table,” should Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launch a large-scale invasion of Rafah. “And so, if the President’s going to say something’s a red line, it’s essential the President have an accountability structure,” Van Hollen said, adding that Netanyahu’s comments show “why it’s all the more important that if we’re going to mean what we say, it’s very important to have … accountability.” Van Hollen, however, said this would not apply to defensive weapons the U.S. provides Israel, such as Iron Dome.

Not only is Netanyahu still promising an invasion of Rafah, but now he has a “plan” for getting all of the civilians packed together there out of the way. IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari announced yesterday that the IDF plans to direct a significant portion of the 1.4 million displaced Gazans in Rafah toward “humanitarian islands” in the center of the territory. “We need to make sure that 1.4 million people or at least a significant amount of the 1.4 million will move. Where? To humanitarian islands that we will create with the international community,” Hagari told reporters at a briefing.

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