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Another Military Warhawk `Distances' from Trump

Harry Harris, the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, has hung a several-story-high “Black Lives Matter” banner on the U.S. Embassy’s front in Seoul, promoting a message which supports those who oppose the President.

This ambassador is Navy Admiral (ret.) Harry Harris, the recent former commander of U.S. Pacific Command, who was brashly eager for the Navy to confront China in the South China Sea while in command. Any connection between the banner he had embassy employees hang, and embassy business, remains puzzling, but Americans’ taxes are advertising a political group that calls for defunding police departments across America and has been bankrolled from the start by Trump’s enemy George Soros. A recent poll shows that only 16% of Americans support Black Lives Matter (BLM), but the percentage seems to be much higher among hard-core military warhawks like Gen. Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis, Adm. Harry Harris, and other recent brass who’ve “distanced” themselves from the President in solidarity with Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

The Embassy’s politicking may well be a violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits using government funds or premises for domestic political activities, according to Christopher Whiton in The American Prospect. Whiton says that Asst. Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs David Stilwell, another retired flag officer, should prohibit such activity.