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Which Madness Is Worse? The Streets or the Halls of Diplomacy? Real Deliberation Instead

There is so much madness right now, it is hard to tell which is worse—in the streets or in the halls of diplomacy. It is all the more important to reach out to those everywhere, who can morally recognize we are human, and we can make policies to bring about a new order of economy, justice and truth. This is the needed response to the pandemic, economic breakdown and the raving British geopolitical confrontation operations. The content for urgent deliberation on the new order is provided in the EIR report, “The LaRouche Plan to Reopen the U.S. Economy—The World Needs 1.5 billion New, Productive Jobs,” now out for a month. And the process of urgent deliberation is provided in the ongoing dialogue in and around the next Schiller Institute international conference, this Saturday, June 27, “Will Humanity Prosper or Perish; the Future Demands a ‘Four Power’ Summit Now.”

First, on the madness in the streets, we see instances worldwide from all points on the spectrum of causes, from hardship and frustration, all the way to “central casting” fake protest. On Sunday in Germany, a demonstration in Stuttgart turned into a violent melee, overwhelming city police, who had to call for regional back-up. Yesterday in Italy, was a 12,000 zombie demonstration in Florence for “M3 V” (Movimento Tre V)—protesting vaccinations, 5G, and calling for an end to restrictions against the pandemic.

Last night in the capital of the United States, was a hard core street operation right near the White House to not only topple statues (Andrew Jackson) but to create a “Black House Autonomous Zone,” with tents and barricades. Public safety forces intervened to stop that. But the battle continues today. Now comes the demand that beyond statues, churches must be targeted, for how their stained glass windows and altar murals depict Jesus as white and Mary as European. This is from a figure, Shaun King, billed as a national activist and reputed Harvard University writer-in-residence.

President Trump this morning announced that he has authorized Federal authorities to arrest violent street lawbreakers under Federal statute, with jail time of 10 years.

The immediate context, of course, is the continuing pandemic, and economic collapse. Worldwide, the COVID-19 case count is officially 9,170,000, with 474,000 deaths. The U.S. accounts for 20 percent of all cases (2,338,000,) with 4 percent of the world’s population. Apart from the bump up of cases from additional testing, the U.S. has a stark national pattern of 23 states with rising cases, and many localities with dangerous rates of hospital capacity saturation, as well as hundreds of instances of points-of-spread and death, from parties, to nursing homes, to taverns.

In the midst of this, President Trump continues his in-person campaigning this week, with events in Arizona today, and Wisconsin on Thursday.

The madness in diplomacy is also in full form, and dangerously concerns top strategic relations. In Vienna, yesterday, U.S. and Russian teams met for nuclear arms control talks. But the U.S. side staged an opening stunt, by placing Chinese flags in front of empty chairs at the conference table, which delegation head Marshall Billingslea then tweeted out as a photo of how China was a “no show.” He tweeted about their “Great Wall of secrecy.” Chinese authorities had repeatedly stated they would not be attending, and why.

Back in the U.S. last evening, Peter Navarro,, Trade and Manufacturing Adviser to President Trump, did a similar act of buffoonery, a disgrace to the United States. But he was caught out today by Trump. Navarro said on Fox TV, that the China “trade deal is over.” Navarro said that the Chinese came here on January 15, and signed a trade deal, knowing that two months earlier they were spreading the virus. This is like, Navarro and his host said, how Japanese diplomats came to the White House and made nice, only hours before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Trump tweeted this morning, “The China Trade Deal is fully intact.”

The third instance of arrogant delusion came yesterday at the 22nd annual meeting (virtual) of European Union and Chinese leaders. EU officials met with Prime Minister Li Keqiang and President Xi Jinping. EU Commission head Von Der Leyen, and European Council head Michel hectored the Chinese leaders about everything from how their multilateralism did not accord with European “values,” to how China must stop human rights abuses in Tibet and Xinjiang.

Instead of the buffoonery, arrogance and delusion, we need true diplomacy and deliberation in this time of epic crisis. Look at the physical economy, for example, food. It is now June, and in the Northern Hemisphere, we have the terrible situation of “COVID Corridors,,” not just hot spots, because of seasonal workers (migrants, guest workers, illegal refugees) travelling to the fields and orchards for the harvest, a typical practice from the Mid-East, to Europe, to North America. So the pandemic is spread with terrible suffering. Recently Doctors without Borders sent help to the U.S. for the fist time ever, to treat thousands of these workers in south Florida, who had no where to turn.

A new farm and food system is critical to bring into being. These and other basics are on the agenda at this Saturday’s Schiller Institute event. Enlist everyone to be there.