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Invitation: Schiller Institute International Internet Conference Sept. 5-6, 2020

Helga Zepp-LaRouche has issued the following invitation to the upcoming two-day Schiller Institute international conference. The full schedule and lists of panels are being rapidly developed. The invitation below will be going out very shortly to all people who have previously signed up to be on the Schiller Institute email list. There will be an RSVP page on the Schiller website—which is in the process of being upgraded.

Watch this spot for more news on the conference. Helga’s August 8 statement, “The Next Hiroshima before November? We Need a World Order of Peace!” that is featured as an editorial in the August 14 EIR, should be used as a companion piece in organizing people to sign up for this conference, and to get broader networks focussed.

Invitation: Schiller Institute International Internet Conference

September 5- 6, 2020

War Drive Towards Armageddon

Or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations

United by the Common Aims of Mankind?

Many people around the world, who are not aware that a solution to the manifold crisis of our contemporary world does potentially exist, react with increasing despair, radicalization of one sort or another, or retreat into private life. The mistrust in governments and leading institutions in most places around the world has never been as high as today. We are confronted with the simultaneous escalation of a pandemic out of control, an economic collapse triggered, but not caused by the pandemic, a pending collapse of the transatlantic financial system, and an increasing danger not only of a new Cold War, but the danger that the unthinkable might truly happen, and a third, this time, thermonuclear world war could break out. We are surely facing a systemic collapse—the end of an epoch.

It is now becoming more and more apparent to many forces throughout the world, that Lyndon LaRouche’s 1971 warning was absolutely prophetic: that Richard Nixon’s ending of the Bretton Woods system by replacing fixed exchange rates with an international floating exchange rate system, and his striking out on the path of monetarism would lead to the danger of a new fascism, depression, pandemics, and war. It is also clear that if the world is to escape from these very present dangers, we must now implement the urgent reorganization of the world financial and economic system in the tradition of Leibniz’s and Hamilton’s physical economy that LaRouche had advocated for decades.

Lyndon LaRouche long called for a Four Power Agreement among the U.S., China, Russia, and India as the best starting point for bringing about such a new paradigm. Today, the only visible realistic framework to move in that direction, in the short term, is the conference of the permanent five members of the UN Security Council that was proposed by President Putin in January. The five nuclear powers have a special responsibility to agree upon principles that can guarantee the long-term survivability of the human species. This is especially urgent in light of the fact that with the cancellation of so many international arms control and other previously binding treaties, the world is dangerously close to plunging into an era of lawlessness.

But these five nations must be supported by a chorus of nations, individuals and institutions around the globe demanding that we pull the world away from the edge of the abyss. That summit must be encouraged to adopt:

• A mechanism of solving all international problems through dialogue and diplomacy.

• A New Bretton Woods system—as it was intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt and elaborated by Lyndon LaRouche—with the explicit aim of overcoming poverty and the underdevelopment of the so-called developing countries, starting with a modern health system in every country.

• An agreement to make the program: “The New Silk Road becomes the World Land-Bridge” the basis for building to the best modern standards the infrastructural and industrial development of all countries on the planet.

• A new security architecture based on the common economic interest of the world community, which includes the security interest of every single nation. There must be an end to the color revolutions and destabilizations now being orchestrated by the British Empire and its bankrupt financial interests against governments they don’t like—including the destabilizations of the governments of Donald Trump. Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin, among others.

• International cooperation for a crash program for thermonuclear fusion technology, international space cooperation for the building of a village on the moon and a city on Mars, as well as cooperation in life sciences.

• An agreement to initiate a real dialogue of cultures, in which each culture and civilization commits itself to learn about the best traditions and universal contributions of the others as the basis for peace and understanding and a new renaissance of the world.

There is a precedent for such an approach. After 150 years of religious warfare in Europe, culminated by the Thirty Years War, all of the parties previously at war agreed on the Treaty of Westphalia. They realized that if the fighting were to continue, there would be no one left alive to enjoy the victory. That Treaty established the modern foundation for international law among peoples. It is now time to base international law on the actual lawfulness of the physical universe. That is the only language which has the power to eliminate any room for misunderstanding and any seeming conflict of interest at a lower level.

This upcoming Schiller Institute conference will be an effort to contribute ideas to this goal.