“The 46th President can rectify his chaotic legacy with a single order: ‘Destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.’ After all, he remains the Commander-in-Chief,” reads the kicker to a Dec. 22 article in Israel Hayom, headlined “Biden’s Last Chance To End the War.” The article urges the collective Biden administration to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities, in order to supposedly burnish his legacy.
The author, Ariel Kahana, a hardened Zionist, states: “The context is significant because, even now, the 46th President of the U.S. is striving to end the war in the Middle East. And who wouldn’t want that? However, the military conflict in our region cannot conclude until the driving force behind it—Iran—ceases its efforts to destabilize the global order. Restraining Tehran can be achieved in only one way: by destroying the Ayatollah regime’s nuclear program.”
Israel Hayom (which means “Israel Today”) is the family property of the late billionaire Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who launched the paper in July 2007. It is a free Hebrew-language daily, and as of July 31, 2023, a TGI survey had indicated that it was Israel’s most widely read newspaper, because of its free distribution, with a 29.4% weekday readership. When Sheldon Adelson died in 2021, his widow Miriam became publisher and controlling force of the paper. As of 2024, worth around $32 billion, according to Forbes, she is at the center of a fundraising network that supports Netanyahu’s war effort. In May 2024, Politico reported that she would contribute $90 million to a super-PAC supporting Trump.
“The outgoing President’s four years in office have been characterized by a soft international approach, which has in turn fueled worldwide aggression. Biden can rectify this chaotic legacy with a single order: ‘Destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.’ After all, he remains the Commander-in-Chief,” argues Kahana. The consequence of such an order would escalate to nuclear Armageddon.