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Summit on Relief for Beirut Occurs Amid Riots and Government Resignations

Fifteen nations were represented at an online donor’s summit called and hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron, and co-hosted by the United Nations, in order to mobilize assistance for Lebanon in rebuilding the stricken capital. Another 15 agencies were represented, including the Red Cross, World Bank, IMF, and the UN Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock. Pledges totaled in the range of $300 million, and included:

European Union: EU30 million in addition to EU33 million promised earlier

U.K.: £20 million, identified as for the World Food Program; in addition to £5 million aid package announced earlier this week

Germany: EU10 million addition to EU1.5 million already pledged

Spain: to send wheat, shelters, medical supplies

Switzerland: $4.38 million

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