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Trump's Impatience with His Iagos Is Showing

This morning’s Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures” hosted by anti-China pit bull Maria Bartiromo highlighted the tension between President Donald Trump and some of those who claim to be his supporters. Special adviser Jared Kushner provided background on the announced peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.). Trump gave his views on the Presidential campaign and the legal actions against those who spent four years attempting to terminate his Presidency, and Trump’s rudely dismissed one-time adviser, Steve Bannon, presented his spin on Trump’s potential success in the upcoming election.

Kushner stressed that the Israel-U.A.E. deal, the first mutual recognition treaty between Israel and an Arab country in 26 years, was the result of three and a half years working quietly behind the scenes to earn the trust of both nations’ leadership that translated into trust for each other. In his view, this included turning against Obama’s Iran agreement and achieving energy independence that eliminated U.S. dependence on oil from the region. Bartiromo, an overheated hanger-on of the anti-China mob, pointed out that China has been the U.A.E.’s number-one petroleum customer, and asked if this agreement means “they’re going to have to choose, the U.S. or China?” Kushner answered calmly that China had gained “because America had totally given up its leadership role in the region.” He explained, “This is a big sign that people in the region want to be with America long term.”

Bartiromo then played a pre-recorded interview with the President. He first complained about the Democrats’ demand for a total of almost $30 billion to make sure the U.S. Postal Service can handle the massive flood of mail-in ballots expected in November and then promised, If re-elected, to eliminate the payroll tax and reduce capital gains taxes to 15%.

After agreeing that there was a coup against Trump, Bartiromo sharply asked, “Where is John Durham, Mr. President? … We know that there was criminality.” Trump answered, “I hope he’s doing a great job. And I hope they’re not going to be politically correct … because the fact is, President Obama knew everything. Vice President Biden, as dumb as he may be, he knew everything. And everybody else knew everything, Maria. And you know it. And Comey and Brennan and Clapper, they were all terrible, and they lied to Congress. They spied on my campaign, which is treason. They spied both before and after I won. Think of that, using the intelligence apparatus of the United States [here he had to talk over Bartiromo asking if he wanted a Special Counsel] to take down a President, a legally elected President, a duly elected President of the United States. It’s the single biggest political crime in the history of our country.” He repeated, “I hope they’re not going to be politically correct and say, well, you know, let’s just get the lower guys that forged the documents going to FISA.” He concluded with a statement reminiscent of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s advice to Trump himself, “Bill Barr can go down as the greatest attorney general in the history of our country, or he can down as just an average guy.”

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