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U.S. Farmers, Ambassadors Participate in Schiller Institute Seminar

On July 29th, the Schiller Institute held an online seminar, “Stop the Hunger Pandemic. Save Farmers, Deliver Food!” Moderated by Richard Black and Bob Baker, the two-hour discussion included three U.S. farm leaders from Colorado, Alaska and California, and 11 diplomats — including 6 ambassadors — from Sub-Saharan and West Africa, Central America, and Central Asia. A former Senator and current candidate from Trinidad and Tobago also participated. Most of the participants had been involved in the series of Schiller Institute international conferences held from April through June 2020.

Richard Black described the civilization-threatening crisis which all of humanity currently faces — pandemic, starvation, and war between nuclear powers — and the 50-year record of Lyndon LaRouche and his associates of providing solutions, involving the massive economic development of the former colonial sector. A major focus was put on creating a chorus of nations worldwide to ensure the realization and required content of a P5 heads of state summit. Paul Gallagher outlined the nature of the imminent financial collapse and how a New Bretton Woods system would work. He showed that FDR’s TVA method has been the only action to have ever succeeded — from the 1930s until today — in creating a sustained recovery from collapse. Marcia Baker dramatically showed the extent of the accelerating starvation rates worldwide, the ongoing destruction of the farmer in the advanced sector, and the recent farmer upsurge in Europe and the U.S., demanding a new system.

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