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Chinese Ambassador Calls for Reviving the Spirit of U.S.-China Cooperation in World War II

In a video posted on his Twitter account yesterday, Chinese Ambassador to Washington Cui Tiankai urges the need “to recapture the spirit of cooperation from World War II.” “At that time China and the U.S. fought shoulder-to-shoulder during World War II,” he said, leaving “an indelible mark in the shared history of our two countries,” pointing out that that the Flying Tigers, Gen. Claire Chennault and Gen.Joseph Stilwell have since become household names in China.

“I have received letters from some members of the Doolittle Raid. In the letters, they recalled with deep gratitude that when they made crash landings in China after raiding Tokyo in World War II, the Chinese people put themselves in harm’s way to rescue them and made huge sacrifices for it. This part of history will not be forgotten,” he said.

“Looking back at history is for a right perspective of the future. Just as President Abraham Lincoln said, ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’ At this moment, China and the United States need to recapture the spirit of cooperation from World War II, and join hands to confront our common enemies in the new era: COVID-19, economic recession, climate change and other global challenges.

“Let’s work together to realize the vision enshrined in the UN Charter: ‘to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war... and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,’” the Chinese ambassador concluded.