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Osterholm Outlines Prospects for Defeating the Pandemic

This morning American epidemiologist Michael T. Osterholm, MPH, University of Minnesota regents professor, and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, appeared on Meet the Press. When asked if “herd immunity” were U.S. policy, he answered that it is, but it is to be achieved by vaccination, not infection. Asked about White House adviser Scott Atlas’ claim that achieving infection of 20% of Americans would establish “herd immunity,” he dismissed it as “pixie dust and pseudo science.” He pointed out, as is obvious to anyone with their marbles intact, that attempting to reach that level of infection would involve a disastrous surge in illness and death.

His view is that it will be the 3rd quarter of 2021 before the expected vaccines and therapeutics significantly slow the viral spread, and an extended period of time after that before the virus is eradicated. He stressed the importance of increased discussion, from the top down, of the importance of maintaining the mitigation strategies. For instance, he recommended that with Thanksgiving around the corner, there should be recommendations that people consider whether they will spend their time with their families. He suggested calling 2020 COVID year and thinking about all of the weddings, birthday parties, and other events we know about when, weeks after having a wonderful time with their families, people had to deal with the deaths of those they had recently embraced.

Dr. Osterholm said that he would like strong messaging to the American people about sticking to the virus mitigation, using the “FDR Fireside Chat approach.”