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Schiller Institute International Online Conference

December 12-13

The World after the U.S. Election: Creating a World Based on Reason

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The unprecedented battle over the recent U.S. election is not only a domestic American event, but an event of the highest international strategic importance. The world must understand: This battle is the choice between World War III or peace. The two days of dialogue and deliberation will include these panel discussions:

Panel I. “Hang Together, or Hang Separately”: Free and Sovereign Republics, or Digital Dictatorship?

Panel II. Escaping the Danger of World War III: A Strategic Order Based on the Common Aims of Mankind.

Panel III. Overcoming the World Health Crisis and the Hunger Pandemic: Thinking on the Level of the Coincidentia Oppositorum.

Panel IV. A Human Future for Youth: A Beethoven-Driven Renaissance of Classical Culture.