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In a World Shaken by Crises, How to Think About the Solutions

In a world shaken by crises, it is urgent to discuss solutions. This weekend’s Schiller Institute international conference is the critical opportunity for that, titled, “The World After the U.S. Election: Creating a World Based on Reason.”

No wonder that Panel One on the strategic situation—“`Hang Together, or Hang Separately’: Free and Sovereign Republics, or Digital Dictatorship?”— will include discussion of the nature and implications of the U.S. elections crisis. The networks which moved early on in the Trump Presidency to subvert the 2020 elections process, centered from Britain, are more and more exposed to the world. The situation is very hot. This morning the U.S. Supreme Court ordered four states—Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin— to provide their reply by Thursday, Dec. 10, at 3 p.m. (EST) to the charges filed Dec. 7 by the Texas Attorney General Paxton, that widespread irregularities and infractions in voting in those four states denied voters in Texas and elsewhere, of the validity of their own vote. Then this afternoon, 17 more states joined Texas in its plea. Plus, President Donald Trump himself today filed an “intervention” to join these plaintiffs.

One of the many precursors to the way the voting was set up for opportunity for fraud, is a particular action by Big Tech. There was a two-step assault on localities in swing states. First, pressure groups bullied election officials and legislators to vastly expand mail-in balloting—even before COVID-19—and other ease-of-voting measures, in the name of fighting voter “suppression” (which, yes, needs to be stopped, but not by a coup!) Then Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg came along and offered the sweetener of private funding to the election localities to pay for all the extra costs involved for mail-in balloting (staff, equipment, printing, postage, etc.) Zuckerberg doled out $400 million at least, to targeted voting districts, e.g., $4.3 million to Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia, and the like. Private funding for public elections!

This is one of many aspects of the election debacle, which itself is fully comprehensible only in the context of the fact that the monetarist system of decades of casino economics is blowing out. The Wall Street/City of London interests are dead set on their digital, green dictatorship, and will do anything to make it happen. Forget honest voting, forget policymaking for the public good. This is end-game for mankind, unless stopped. Panel Two will address these stakes, titled, “Escaping the Danger of World War III: A Strategic Order Based on the Common Aims of Mankind.”

The second day of the conference will address the solutions to the situation, explicitly taking up the method of thinking on a higher level than may appear among conflicting “sides,” and acting for the Common Good, in terms of the “coincidence of opposites”—coincidentia oppositorum as the 15th-century leader Nicholas of Cusa developed.

The stakes are life and death. This is seen in the pandemic, famine, mass economic breakdown, and geopolitical aggression that can be the short road to war.

Look, for example, at the full implications of what is happening in India right now. Dozens of thousands of farmers have been in New Delhi for two weeks, timed with protests all around the country, to demand the cancellation of three new laws—enacted in the name of “deregulating” markets— that will open farmers up for exploitation and ruin by the transnational food cartel wing of the City of London. Look who is standing behind the government’s “reform” plan—the biggest names in the Anglo-Dutch world of cartels: Unilever, Nestle, Cargill and others. Farm leaders today rejected the government’s latest offer of amendments and softeners, insisting the laws must be cancelled. The farm leaders issued a 10-point action plan, including a Dec. 14 nationwide protest, and other measures in the days prior to that, such as closing down all roadway toll booths on Dec. 12.

This is no “farmer-only” issue, but involves stability and productivity for the Indian agriculture sector, for the “daily bread” for 1.5 billion people, and often, export to others. India accounts for in the range of 25% of the world’s annual rice output. It produces 15% of wheat. If this assault on its agriculture is not resolved, the famine horror is unimaginable—a worldwide version of what the British did to cause famine in India in 1943.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her weekly Schiller Institute webcast today, stressed that the point of the upcoming conference is to address “the main problem … that most people look at these things [COVID-19, hunger and so on] with the wrong method of thinking, in a nominalist way, in a positivist way, on the level of sense-certainty. What their feelings are.

“But to find a solution to these problems requires a different method of thinking, namely, the coincidence of opposites. That the human mind—reason—is able to create a solution on a higher level than the level on which the problems develop.

“This was Einstein’s view, who basically, famously said, ‘You can never find a solution to a problem on the same level where it has developed.’

“The whole idea is that we have to find a way to establish a level of reason where all the many problems that we face in the world right now can actually be addressed and solved.”

Be sure to register and attend—Dec. 12 and 13. Spread the word.