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The World Food Program issued a warning on Feb. 17 that more than 12 million Syrians–60% of the population— are now food insecure. An economic crisis, job losses as a result of COVID-19 and soaring food prices have added to the plight of Syrians who have been displaced and worn down by a decade of conflict. “The situation has never been worse. After ten years of conflict, Syrian families have exhausted their savings as they face a spiralling economic crisis,” said WFP Representative and Country Director in Syria Sean O’Brien. Basic foods to feed a family for a month — bread, rice, lentils and oil and sugar—now cost at least 120,000 Syrian Pounds, which far exceeds the average salaries.

The 2020 Food Security and Livelihoods Assessment carried out by WFP and partners, also estimates the number of people who are severely food insecure—meaning they cannot survive without food assistance—has doubled in just one year to stand at 1.3 million people. Unless urgent action is taken, an additional 1.8 million people are at risk of falling into severe food insecurity, the report continues, the report continues. Over the last year food prices across Syria have soared, and the price of basic items has increased by 236%, just as the value of the Syrian Pound has plummeted.

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