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`Green’ Agriculture Finance to Farmers: Your Food Is Worth Zero

An article in the May 2 Inside Climate gives further evidence of the genocidal intent of the global Greens toward America’s (and the world’s) agriculture and food producers. Underneath the headline heralding an all-court press on small, rural bankers, is the revelation of how the detailed (invisible hand) “market” forces are being mobilized to cause global famine and starvation.

Topped with a picture of cattle being herded through a flooded field ("under water"), is a discussion including “threats” to agri-finance such as: 2019 saw a record amount of “unplanted acres” in the United States (because of flooding), double the worst its been anytime in the last 10 years.

Among those quoted in the piece is one Maria Lettini, executive director of the FAIRR Initiative, claiming to represent investors’ funds with “more than $38 trillion in assets.” FAIRR is the Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return Company. Lettini likened the cattle industry of today to the oil industry of yesterday: soon to be worthless. Addressing the topic of “transitional” risks facing agriculture, Lettini said, “Think about what happened to fossil fuel companies, with the whole movement to keep oil in the ground. The oil in the ground was being mispriced. It doesn’t have value. It’s obsolete, and therefore it’s stranded.” In case she be misunderstood, she added, “The same is going to happen for agriculture and animal agriculture.” [emphasis added]

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