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Lancet Promises the UK a Health Dictatorship – No More Meat, No More Cheap Cars

Using computer models based on the Paris Agreement, the Lancet forecasts that the climate measures contained therein, will reduce UK deaths due to air pollution by 462,000, deaths attributable to diet by 572,000, and deaths due to physical inactivity by 943,000. How, they don’t explain!

For example, diet — how can the government improve your diet? A policeman in every kitchen? No, that would be authoritarian! The green government’s computer models will HELP YOU change your diet by convincing you to make intelligent choices, by putting meat and other “carbon footprint foods” out of your reach, or simply not making them available; and you will be much healthier, thanks to the healthy foods the computer models will prescribe for you.

As for exercise, surely it won’t be like George Orwell’s 1984, where Alexa will supervise your every move — that too would be authoritarian, but the computer models will help convince you to be more physically active, by modeling vehicle prices versus longevity: you will not be able to afford an unhealthy $80,000 electric car, and the hyper-expensive electricity to run it. Don’t worry, the computer has proven that the more you walk and bicycle, the longer you live.