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Empire's MI6 Watchdog Confirms, We'll Be the Global Climate Police

Within days of Joe Biden’s Climate Summit — held on Dearth Day, April 22 — the Chief of Britain’s MI6 confirmed what many are coming to suspect, that all talk of a “sustainable” recovery, and Building Back Better is only cover for a genocidal 21st-century imperial world order. Speaking on Rupert Murdoch’s Times Radio, MI6’s new Chief Richard Moore, who took charge last October, told an interviewer that the imperial intelligence and dirty-ops specialist considered the “climate emergency” to be “the foremost international foreign policy agenda item” for Britain. (

Specifically, Moore alluded to UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance Mark Carney’s elusive “climate offsets,” saying, “Climate change is a good example, where people sign up to commitments on climate change and it’s perhaps our job to make sure that when people sign up to them, that actually what they’re really doing reflects what they’ve signed up to.” In other words, if a country agrees to “protect” (i.e., not develop) a forest, MI6 was going to make sure that forest stays in its primeval, undeveloped state. In this they’ll no doubt have a willing partner in the empire’s other “climate” protector, the World Wildlife Fund.

Putting a shaper edge on this were Moore’s otherwise casual comments about China, which he referred to as the world’s “biggest emitter” of CO2 — but who is also currently the world’s biggest developer of fundamental infrastructure, including railroads, bridges and ports, through its Belt and Road Initiative. It was MI6’s job, Moore said, to manage that “threat side,” and “make sure we defend and protect our interests. ... It’s our job to shine light in places where people might not want it shone,” said Moore, who otherwise rarely gives public interviews. “And so clearly, we are going to support what is the foremost international foreign policy agenda item for this country — for the planet — which is around the climate emergency, and of course we have a role in that space.”

About a month before these revealing comments were made by Her Majesty’s personal attack dog, the Ministry of Defense released a report: “Climate Change and Sustainability: A Strategic Approach.” Writing in the Foreword, Defense Procurement Secretary Jeremy Quinn said the reorientation to fight this new enemy necessitated Ministry’s “the most comprehensive review since the Cold War,” otherwise referring to the “clear and present danger” posed by climate change.

As the world’s greatest producer of CO2, the global defense industry clearly has an “optics problem,” which the majority of the report attempts to deal with, but an included chart reveals that one of the three pieces of their “softer, gentler” green pie remains “global enforcement.”
